A short and silly time-waster made in 3 days.

The other ghosts are jealous of your big sword!

Don't let them take it from you!

W - Jump

S - Fall Faster

A and D - Move Left & Right (Double Tap to Dash)

Left Click - Throw your sword

Escape - Return to Main Menu

  • After dashing you keep your momentum. Use it to get away from dangerous situations.. or get into dangerous situations..
  • Blue and Orange ghosts are worth the same amount of points.
  • The sword can still kill ghosts as its coming back from your throw.
  • You can find more tips clicking the "About" button in the main menu.

Score ranks:
<200 - D
200 - C
300 - B
400 - A
450 - S
475 - SS
500 - SSS

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